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Guide to New Zealand Parent Resident Visa

04 Sep 2024

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New Zealand offers a unique opportunity for families to reunite through the Parent Resident Visa. This visa allows New Zealand citizens and residents to sponsor their parents to live permanently in the country. Whether you’re looking to bring your parents closer or ensure they have a secure and peaceful life, understanding the Parent Resident Visa process is crucial. This guide will walk you through the essential steps, eligibility criteria, and benefits of applying for this visa.

Understanding the Parent Resident Visa

The Parent Resident Visa is designed to enable New Zealand residents and citizens to sponsor their parents for permanent residency. This visa is an excellent option for those who want to bring their family together while supporting New Zealand’s skilled migration goals.

Key Benefits:

  • Live permanently in New Zealand with your child.
  • Access to New Zealand’s healthcare and social services.
  • A chance to enjoy a better quality of life in a peaceful environment.

The Application Process

Submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI): The first step is to submit an EOI. This is where you express your interest in applying for the Parent Resident Visa. If your EOI meets the requirements, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) may invite you to apply for the visa.

Invitation to Apply (ITA): Once your EOI is selected, you’ll receive an ITA. You must apply for residence within four months of receiving this invitation.

Visa Costs: The cost for the Parent Resident Visa starts at NZD $3,180. Ensure that you are financially prepared for this expense.

Visa Quota and Selection Process

EOI Selections Before October 2022: If you submit your EOI before October 10, 2022, it will be placed in a queue. INZ will select these EOIs in order, with the oldest first. A maximum of 2,000 visas per year are approved from this group.

EOI Selections After October 2022: For EOIs submitted on or after October 10, 2022, a different process applies. These EOIs are placed on a ballot and selected randomly. INZ can approve up to 500 visas per year from this pool. If your EOI is not selected within two years, it will expire.

Future Visa Availability: Once all EOIs from before October 2022 are processed, up to 2,500 visas will be available for those on the ballot.

New Requirements for Sponsors

Since October 2022, the requirements for sponsors have changed. Here’s what you need to know:

Income Requirements: Sponsors now need to earn at least 1.5 times the New Zealand median wage. This amount increases by half the median wage for each additional parent or joint sponsor.

Joint Sponsorship: Two adult children can now jointly sponsor a parent, expanding the options for families.

The EOI Selection Process

If your EOI is selected, it will be assessed against the updated criteria. The selection process occurs quarterly in February, May, August, and November. Ensure your EOI is submitted by the last day of the previous month to be included in the next selection.

How the Ballot Works:

  • EOIs are selected every three months.
  • Selections usually take place on the second Tuesday of the month.
  • Selected EOIs undergo a two-week checking process.
  • After the check, INZ may invite you to apply for residence.

Note: Grandparents and legal guardians may also apply for residence under this visa. However, applicants with dependent children are not eligible.


The New Zealand Parent Resident Visa offers a valuable opportunity for families to reunite and enjoy life together in one of the world’s most beautiful countries. If you’re considering this visa, it’s essential to understand the process, meet the eligibility criteria, and prepare all necessary documents.

For more insights and guidance, explore our blog page. Stay updated with the latest opportunities by following us on Instagram and Facebook. If you need further assistance, Eduland Immigration is here to help. With expert counselors, we can guide you through the application process and help you find the best scholarships that fit your profile. Contact us today for free assistance!

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